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November 7 - 14, 2016

Updated October 30, 2016

November 7 - Rehearsal
November 8 - Rehearsal
November 9 - Rehearsal
November 10 - to Ithaca; Dress Rehearsal; Ithaca College Concert
November 11 - Ithaca Side-by-Side; back to NYC
November 12 - Dress Rehearsal; Peoples' Symphony Concerts
November 13 - Free Day
November 14 - Dress Rehearsal; Music Mondays


Turina - La Oracion del Torero (10')
Adams - Shaker Loops (26')
- Intermission -
Lutoslawski - Five Folk Melodies (6')
Dvorak - Serenade for Strings (36')

J Freivogel
Noah Geller*
Ken Hamao*
Salley Koo*
Karen Kim*
Siwoo Kim*
Ayano Ninomiya
Elly Suh*

Maurycy Banaszek
Ayane Kozasa*
Melissa Reardon
Cong Wu*

Andrea Lee*
Raman Ramakrishnan
Paul Wiancko*
Alice Yoo*

Nate Farrington
Tom Van Dyck

* denotes GEM