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2013-14 Programs

2013-14 PROGRAMS

august 2013 - LCCMF, Cooperstown

ECCO Concert
Mozart - Divertimento in B-flat Major, K.137
Ludwig - Virtuosity, Five Microconcertos for String Orchestra
Satie - Gymnopedie No.1
Greenstein - Four on the Floor
Gesualdo - Tristis est anima mea
Ravel - String Quartet in F Major

LCCMF Chamber Concert w/Jason Vieaux
Bellinati - Jongo
Piazzolla - Oblivion (Susie & Na-Young)
Jalbert - Sonatina (Susie)
Paganini - Terzetto Concertante (Maurycy & Efe)
Merlin - Suite del Recuerdo
Piazzolla - L’Histoire du Tango (Michi)

February 2014 - Sarasota, PSC, Union, Kaufman, Peggy Rockefeller

Mozart - Divertimento in B-flat Major, K.137
Ludwig - Virtuosity, Five Microconcertos for String Orchestra
Satie - Gymnopedie No.1
Greenstein - Four on the Floor
Gesualdo - Tristis est anima mea
Ravel - String Quartet in F Major

march 2014 - PCMS, Worcester, Schneider, MM

Mozart - Divertimento in B-flat Major, K.137
Ludwig - Virtuosity, Five Microconcertos for String Orchestra
Satie - Gymnopedie No.1
Greenstein - Four on the Floor
Gesualdo - Tristis est anima mea
Ravel - String Quartet in F Major

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